The Tiger is the spirit of the Indian Jungle, the symbol of India is wilderness & its National Heritage Species. Even his distant roar, or an alarm call of some animal announcing his presence, charges the whole environment of the jungle with excitement.

Wednesday, 21 May 2008


DID you know that tigers love to be in water and they love to play in water, see i have few articles fom the Australia Zoo , They have written this to me on a interaction mail of members.

Pool work is one of the most dangerous things that we do with our tigers here at Australia Zoo, but tigers absolutely love the water!
Tigers have adapted to the sweltering heat of tropical Asia by swimming in waterholes, lakes, streams and swamps in their native lands in order to cool off.
Whether it is jumping in the water after toys and handlers or having a relaxing afternoon swim, the tigers at Australia Zoo spend most of their day in the pool.
This also furthers the bond between the handlers and our tigers, as the tigers are learning the handlers’ limitations and rules. Tigers love the water because it keeps them cool, so once the tigers are wet, they start to get a little silly and run amok!
This is a very important activity for the handlers as this kind of interaction will continue for the rest of the tigers’ lives, so once fully grown they will know what is expected of them when it’s time to have some fun!

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